Executive Exchange Group

  • Members expand their knowledge base as they share experience

  • Build lasting relationships and thought partnerships with like-minded

  • Diversity of industries/sectors in groups allows members to exchange new ideas, resources, tools, and best practices and gain multiple perspectives

  • Group size is limited allowing facilitators to maintain a safe, confidential space to explore solutions to common challenges

  • Topics emerge organically based on members’ current reality

  • Members communicate and share resources between meetings using a private chat platform

A membership opportunity for executives of the Best and Brightest Programs.

The Executive Exchange Group will expand members’ knowledge base as they share experiences and build relationships with like-minded peers. Group size is limited allowing facilitators to maintain a safe, confidential space to explore solutions to common challenges.

This group meets six times per year virtually for networking, learning and collaboration. Your company (or executive) must have received a Best and Brightest designation within 24 months of membership year to participate. Participants will have access to data, norms, trends from data of the Best and Brightest programs and enjoy comradery with leaders from other winning companies.

Regular meeting attendance is required. Group meets for 2 hours, 6 times per year. Nominal fee for annual membership.

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